Scientific Analysis of Hinduism v/s Christianity (9781533416605)

With scientific background, the author has tried to synthesis these religions with sciences and has given the scientific analysis also. There shouldn't be any contradiction between Sciences and our Scriptures. If there is any contradiction, the religion must explain the reasons to justify its claim. This book informs about the differences between various religions, especially the Christianity and Hinduism. Some are trying to justify that Hindu Scriptures & Bible are same, but in fact it is just opposite. All religions say differently, are not alike and have their different goals. Scriptures are not an exclusive private property of Hindu's alone, but all humans on entire earth have equal right over it. Moreover it is a knowledge directly transferred to humans by God Himself, it can never be wrong. It is to be finding out, whether Christianity supports all the religions or say offensive, blasphemy statement on other religions? All religions say differently and not alike and have their different goals. It is true that few thousand years ago, Sciences were not so advanced but the Spiritual Science was definitely very much advanced as compared today. It is well planned mischief to say that Jesus was an Avatara of God and died for us for our sins. In fact he didn't die but was murdered /killed for charges of blasphemy. In the last 2000 years there have been about a million murders on street crossings in Europe on charges of blasphemy and witchcraft. Should we call all of the killed as an Avatara of God like Jesus and they have died for us? There have been some persons in the world, who are 1000 times more miraculous than Jesus, should we call them as Super Avatara of God or Super God? Due to rapid scientific and technological advancement, our old ideas and philosophies are changing and the new ideas and philosophies are taking births. Now the scientists have begun to realize that our basic identity in the world is neither mind, nor the physical body bounded by birth and death, nor time and space. But it is basically the infinite universal and eternal spirit with infinite cosmic consciousness. This consciousness is beyond time and space and is unaffected by death. The entire cosmos is a manifestation of universal consciousness. It is beyond limits, finite, eternal, and without boundaries. It is ultimately our real self. Why we have not realized this truth? The author has tried his best to remove their doubts and misconceptions. He has tried to convince that the sciences, the Scriptures, the Dharma and the yogic science are in perfect agreement with each other. There cannot be any contradiction between God, Dharma and the scientific laws. The Scriptures are not myths as propagated by western people with vested interested interests, but are full of truth. Science and the Scriptures are not contradictory to each other as said by some ignorant scientists and religions. Both are supplementing their knowledge to each other and ultimately leading to the same Absolute Complete Truth. The Scriptures doesn't the same as so-called 'Holy Books'.

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